"Personality package" 6 suri females for $4,850.00 (inc GST)
Photos of the girls can be found on our TradeMe ad.
This is a “personality package” of 6 suri females – all with distinctly different personalities (some quite strong). If you want static paddock ornaments these girls probably won’t do, but if you want alpacas that interact with each other and with you they could be just what you’re after.
They are also different colours so they will look cool in your paddock.
Panama is the boss, and is cheeky and pushy. She is first in at feeding time and tries to get the lion’s share. As a result, if she doesn’t have a cria (that needs feeding) she can get very fat. She is all personality!
Zsa Zsa was a spoilt brat as a child and thinks the world revolves around her. She thinks she deserves all the food at feeding time and is very creative in her language, and whichever way you turn, she is there. She has a personality to match her looks :-)
Kahlua is very sweet and seems to have a permanent smile on her face. She has a lovely nature and is a pleasure to have around.
Bandita is Benita’s mum; both are sensible girls. Bandita is the bolder one. Benita stays a little more in the background, and personality wise Bandita is a bit like Kahlua – not bossy or stroppy, but easy to get along with.
Mazaria is a young version of Panama although she isn’t related. She’s very confident for her age and has the same presence as Panama.
The 6 females are all registered on the International Alpaca Registry:
Mazaria, IAR 1007919, b 14/3/15 – white with dark fawn spot by her eye
Benita, IAR 1002140, b 29/10/09 – dark brown with white stripe on nose
Kahlua, IAR 84484, b 2/6/07 – solid dark fawn
Zsa Zsa, IAR 119781, b 10/5/07 – white with brown and black patches
Bandita, IAR 119778, b 2/4/07 – black with white face (Benita’s mum)
Panama, IAR 70243, b 25/11/05 – medium/dark fawn (a really pretty colour)
Note - AANZ transfer fees (if applicable) are at buyer's cost.
Pedigrees for the girls can be viewed here: www.alpaca.org.nz. Click the link: "Enquire on the IAR database".
(Note that Panama is registered as Tauhara A 173)
Pregnancy status:
Panama mated Wild Palette Medici (solid brown) 26/4/18
Zsa Zsa mated Armentalis Blackadder (solid black) 3/1/19
Bandita mated Armentalis Blackadder (solid black) 9/1/19
If the above prove not to be pregnant we can arrange further matings or provide a certified male for you to use.
Mazaria - not mated but will be; see above.
Kahlua - not mated. she has had two strong healthy crias but does not produce enough milk to feed them so any cria will need supplementary bottle feeding. For this reason she is included in this package as a non-breeding female. If you do decide to breed from her you will need to make sure you are around while the cria is young so you can feed it several times a day.
Benita - has mated several times but has never got pregnant. We haven't really persevered in trying to get her pregnant, it may prove easy to resolve but she is included in this package as a non-breeding female. If you want to try to get her pregnant, give it a go!
We can deliver in the Auckland/Rodney areas.
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